DTXMania 的快捷鍵

  1. DTXMania 簡介 / Introduction to DTXMania
  2. 如何安裝 DTXMania / Installation of DTXMania
  3. 為 DTXMania 加歌 / Add songs to DTXMania
  4. DTXMania 設定解說 / Configuration of DTXMania
  5. DTXMania 的進階設定 / Advanced configuration of DTXMania
  6. DTXMania 快捷鍵 / DTXMania hot keys
  7. 下載 DTX 譜面 / Download DTX simfiles
  8. 常見問題 / FAQ

DTXMania 快捷鍵

  1. Hi-hat 連敲兩下:切換難度
  2. Bass 連踩兩下:切換鼓點落下的速度
  3. Snare 敲一下:上一首歌(功能同鍵盤的↑)
  4. Low tom 敲一下:下一首歌(功能同鍵盤的↓)
  5. Floor tom 敲一下:上一層目錄(鍵盤 Esc 鍵是跳出到主畫面)
  6. Crash 敲一下:確認(功能同鍵盤的 Enter)
  7. Shift + F1:進入 Option
  8. Shift + F2:進入 Configuration

  1. Shift + F1:暫停遊戲(暫停後以下快捷鍵失效)
  2. Del: 可以看到 BPM、遊戲長度、小節數、bgm微調指數等資訊
  3. ↑:提高鼓點落下速度
  4. ↓:降低鼓點落下速度
  5. Shift + ↑:微調 bgm,加快 10ms
  6. Shift + ↓:微調 bgm,減慢 10ms
  7. Ctrl + Shift + ↑:微調 bgm,加快 1ms
  8. Ctrl + Shift + ↓:微調 bgm,減慢 1ms
如果遇到 bgm 跟鼓聲不同步的歌曲可以自己試試微調,只要在 Configuration 裡把「紀錄分數」的開關設為 ON(預設是 ON)就會紀錄起來,免得每次玩都要重新調整。

DTXMania hot keys

Thanks Billkwando for helping me translate the article into English.

DXMania Shortcuts

Use shortcuts to save a lot of time, some are listed below:

Song select screen:
  1. Hi-hat: Tap Hi-hat twice to switch song difficulty.
  2. Bass: Tap Bass twice to lower scrolling speed.
  3. Snare: Tap Snare or Up to scroll up in menu or song select.
  4. Low Tom: Tap Low Tom or Down to scroll down in menu or song select.
  5. Floor Tom: Tap Floor Tom to go back to the parent directory (Esc key jumps to the main screen).
  6. Crash: Tap Crash or Enter to confirm selection.
  7. Shift + F1: Enter Option screen.
  8. Shift + F2: Enter Configuration screen.

When in-game:
  1. Shift + F1: Suspend game (hot keys are available when not suspended)
  2. Del: Displays the BPM, the game length, section number, bgm index information for fine-tuning.
  3. Up: Increase scrolling speed.
  4. Down: Decrease scrolling speed.
  5. Shift + Up: Fine-tune bgm, speed up 10ms.
  6. Shift + Down: Fine-tune bgm, slow down 10ms.
  7. Ctrl + Shift + Up: Fine-tune bgm, speed up 1ms.
  8. Ctrl + Shift + Down: Fine-tuning bgm, slow down 1ms.

If the drums are not synchronized with the song, you can try fine-tuning. Make sure to set save score ON (default is ON) in configuration, otherwise you have to fine-tune every time when you play.

6 則留言:

  1. Just for fun I redid these in English. :)

    TXMania Shortcuts

    Use shortcuts to save a lot of time, some are listed below:

    Song select screen:

    Hi-hat: Tap Hi-hat twice to switch song difficulty.

    Bass: Tap Bass twice to lower scrolling speed.

    Snare: Tap Snare or Up to scroll up in menu or song select.

    Low Tom: Tap Low Tom or Down to scroll down in menu or song select.

    Floor Tom: Tap Floor Tom to go back to the parent directory (Esc key jumps to the main screen).

    Crash: Tap Crash or Enter to confirm selection.

    Shift+F1: Enter Option screen.

    Shift+F2: Enter Configuration screen.

    When in-game:

    Shift+F1: Suspend game

    Del: BPMbgm - Displays the BPM, the game length, section number, bgm index information for fine-tuning.

    Up : Increase scrolling speed.
    Down: Decrease scrolling speed.
    Shift+Up: Fine-tune bgm, to speed up the 10ms (when not suspended).

    Shift+Down: Fine-tune bgm, down 10ms.

    Ctrl+Shift+Up:bgm,1ms Ctrl + Shift + : Fine-tune bgm, speed up the 1ms.

    Ctrl+Shift+Down:bgm,1ms Ctrl + Shift + : Fine-tuning bgm, down 1ms.

    If the drums are not synchronized with the song, you can try fine-tuning, but you will need to redo this every time (doesn't save).

  2. Wow, many thanks for helping me did it.

  3. I misunderstood one thing. It DOES save. I asked Meow, and there are 2 ways to set it back to the default (say, for example, if you fixed it in GDA Creator already):

    You can either
    1) delete the .score file
    2) Press the delete key in-game to see the song judgement info, then press shift+up or shift+down until it is back to 0ms.

  4. I also found that save score must be set to ON to enable saving, I set it OFF before.

  5. Hi. There's one thing I don't understand. It's probably stupid, but I can't manage to launch a song. I can navigate through the songs, but whenever I hit the crash cymbal or Enter, it doesnt launch the game. What do I need to do ? Thanks.

  6. Hi Dr Chewbacca,

    Which version of DTXMania do you use? Did you notice any text, sound or screen when you press Enter? Can you take a snapshot?


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